• Pros: The Boss RC-30 Loop Station offers 3 hours of recording, built-in effects, and two synchronized stereo tracks.
• Cons: Slight lag when shifting between phrases in real time (Update: This issue has been fixed by a firmware update).
• Overall: Boss’s double foot pedal looper makes some significant improvements over the older Boss RC-20XL Loop Station, and is a good choice for home musicians.
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• Amazon: Boss RC-30 Loop Station
• Guitar Center: Boss RC-30 Loop Station
Boss RC-30 Review
In 2011, Boss updated it’s line of loopers by releasing the RC-3, RC-30 (reviewed here), and the RC-300 Loop Stations. The RC-30 is Boss’s updated twin pedal and the mid-sized option of the three. It’s a multitrack looper with two synchronized stereo tracks and built-in loop effects, and hours of recording time. Overall, Boss offers several improvements over Boss’s older twin pedal, the Boss RC-20XL. More recently, however, Boss has released the Boss RC-500 Loop Station which is now Boss’s flagship looper.
Note: If you want to know when the Boss RC-30 was released relative to other Boss loopers, we’ve made a timeline here.
Memory Improvements
First of the improvements, the Boss RC-30 Loop Station allows you to record up to 3 hours of music. In contrast, the RC-20XL only allowed 16 minutes of recording. With all that added memory, you can create and stack tons of multi-layered loops with twin stereo tracks. You can then control each track independently with dedicated volume faders and track-select buttons.
Creating loops is convenient with the Auto Recording feature. This starts recording the moment you start playing your instrument, singing, or playing a connected audio player. Count-In mode gives you one-bar of rhythm before recording starts. As with all the Boss loopers, you can easily Undo and Redo your last loop layer as you go. This lets you undo those pesky mistakes and get a perfect loop to save to the built-in memory. You can also use it to add slight variations for different song sections.
Built-In Effects
The RC-30 Loop Station also allows you to add effects on the fly. Onboard effects include the following:
- Bend Down, which provides a dramatic pitch-bend effect.
- Step Phaser changes phase in incremental steps.
- Sweep Filter alters frequency in sync with the current tempo.
- Tempo Delay produces a tempo-synced delay effect.
- Lo-Fi intentionally degrades the sound to create a distinctive character.
Saturate your loops in cool effects without the cost and hassle of adding external gear.
Inputs and Outputs
Vocalists can plug a microphone of their choice directly into the RC-30’s XLR mic input. The input includes phantom power in case you want to use a condenser mic. You can then sing, overdub, and make multi-layered loops using your voice. Or you can create vocal sound-effects patterns, point the microphone at your acoustic instruments, or anything that makes noise to turn it into a loop. The USB 2.0 port lets you save your loops to your computer and import jam tracks as WAV files.

On the downside, there is about a 1/4 second lag when you are shifting between phrases in real time. This makes the pedal a bit difficult to use in live situations. For example, you may want to record separate intro, verse and chorus loops so that you can shift between loops during your performance. With the older RC-20XL Loop Station, you could switch seamlessly between phrases while playing over the top. Unfortunately, when switching between phases with the RC-30, the 1/4 second lag throws off the timing a bit. (UPDATE: This 1/4 second lag issue was fixed by a firmware update.)

A second quirk with the RC-30 is that if you are looping two phrases and make a mistake or want to start over, you can’t undo only one phrase. Undo will stop both phrases and you have to re-record your layer of loops.
Despite a few drawbacks that may effect certain musicians, Boss has come out with a very solid, mid-size looper that will be appealing to a large audience. The drastic memory improvements mean that you can now play with 3 hours of recording and the onboard effects will be a lot of fun. Overall, the RC-30 Loop Station is a useful tool for enhancing your playing.
Although the newer Boss RC-500 improves over the RC-30, you can score an RC-30 for a decent discount, and it may have more than enough features for you.
Where to Buy to Buy the Boss RC-30
• Amazon: Boss RC-30 Loop Station
• Guitar Center: Boss RC-30 Loop Station
Does this pedal allow you to record a pattern (say in a verse of a song), stop the recording but NOT automatically start the loop, and then let you start the loop later on? Reason would be if in a guitar/vocalist setting, you want to record the chords to a verse, and then play the chorus’ chords behind the singer, and then just loop the verse for your solos.
Also, I’ve “heard” on the ‘net that there’s some delay when switching back and forth between loops.
Any responses/input would be appreciated, including whether another pedal might do what I’ve described better.
Yes, you can set up the Boss RC-30 to record a loop, then stop the recording without automatically starting the loop. You can then start the loop later on in the song. Regarding your second question, we noted in our review that there is an approximately 1/4 second lag when shifting between phrases in real time. If that is a deal breaker for you, you might consider the older RC-20XL which didn’t have that issue. Hope this helps.
People are still talking about the one quarter second delay problem when shifting between loops and it has been fixed. There has been a firmware fix on the RC 30 that illiminated the one quarter second delay when shifting between Loops. A few years ago I bought the RC 30 and returned it because it had that lag problem. I then went out and purchased the jamman stereo because it did not have that issue. I am now back to the RC 30 because of the firmware fix that allows me to shift between loops without a lag and also gives me the flexibility of two channels per loop. Also, It is much easier to download WAV files to the RC 30 than it is to jamman stereo.
Has the lag been fixed?
I have a question:
The last thing mentioned in the review: I’m not sure, I’m understanding this right – does it mean that you can’t delete the last overdub while continuing playing the thing you recorded first?
no… you are able to undo the last recorded phrase on both tracks, you also have the option of replaying them (undo and redo)
what the statement was referring to is the fact that you cannot delete either track one or two without first stopping both tracks… meaning that you cant delete one of your tracks while the other is still playing…..
MAJOR flaw!!! could it possibly be updated through the firmware??
Eva,yes, you can recaord a loop, then add a dub over that. If you’re not happy with the dub, press on the left pedal of the RC-30 for 2 seconds and it will undo the previus recorded dub. I’m pretty sure you can also undo the original loop you created also using the same process. You can only undo the previous created loop.
Clarifying my last sentence, you can only undo the the last created loop or dub. Ex. If you have a loop and you layer 3 dubs over that, you can only undo the last created dub. The original loop and the 2 dubs will not be undoable. I’m pretty sure you can redo the dub that was undone also by holding the left pedal down for 2 seconds.
what the boss rc30 have a reverse effect like on rc 20xl ??
The version 1.3 firmware download now has fixed the 1/4 lag previously mentioned.
It would be perfect, but incredibly they left out the possibility of reversing a loop, which the RC-20 has…
Does this unit allow you to keep one track going and turn the other on and off? For instance, I loop percussion tracks, then play guitar over it. Using the RC-20XL, I record the guitar as an overdub for soloing, then hold the pedal to undo that last layer to go to the next song section. It works ok, but getting the timing right is tricky.
Yes, with the RC-30, you can control two independent loops so you can start and stop one loop while keeping the other loop going. You don’t have to do it the way you did previously on the RC-20XL by recording and undoing overdubs on one loop.
In the small print, Boss notes that this looper cannot use rechargeable NiMH batteries. Is this really true, or does this just affect the phantom power to the mic?
the problem with NiMH batteries is that they generally only produce 1.2v each as opposed to 1.5v for alkaline batteries… this means that with 6 batteries you are only producing 7.8v of power, when the unit requires a full 9v this can cause very glitchy behavior, and could potentially (though not likely) damage circuitry…
I prefer to use rechargeable batteries whenever possible, but NiMH cells are simply not reliable enough to use in most pedals for gigs…
Doesn’t it work with another type of rechargeable batteries?
I have a Boss rc 30, i want to know if you can use the AC adapter and the six AA batteries at the same time.without disconnecting any.
This pedal is pretty noisy. Especially at high gain.
I wanted to know how to connect multiple instruments e.g. piano, acoustic, electric and mic. Do you put everything through a mixer and then through the pedal and then to the speaker?
Hey, what is with audio quality on this toy? Reviews of the older model complain about decreasing audio quality from layer to layer, how very noticeable is it here?
Thank you.
It truly depends on how good your speaker or amp is. If you have a higher quality amp or speaker, you wont see too much difference.
Actually, it’s not the “toy”, it’s the cumulative layering of whatever noise is present in your original audio signal. Imagine stacking 5 loops with your guitar…what’s common amongst those loops? Yep, whatever low-level hum is present in the signal. Multiply that identical low-level signal by 5 in your loops and you’ve got cumulative noise.
There are ways to address that, for instance by using a noise suppressor (like the Boss NS-2) so that there’s less cumulative noise being stacked up in your loops.
Whoever wrote the reviews you speak of didn’t think to account for this.
I want to play guitar on stage and play recorded tracks (MP3s) through it AND use a looper on top of the tracks at the same time. Does the RC-30 allow this? If not, can anyone recommend something?
In a live situation, can you record a verse on track 1 and then stop it to immediately record the chorus on track 2 and then switch between the two tracks at will? I’ve seen a video of Lee Wrathe doing this as a demo for Dawsons but he can’t remember how he did and is adamant that his video was not edited.
Hi there,
Does anybody know if there should be an update of this pedal (like they did with the RC-3) soon?
Thanks in advance!
After I have captured one loop on track 1 and another on track 2, is it possible to stop track 1 and start track 2 in real time…….. I might have one rhythm for a verse and another for a chorus and want to switch between them as the song progresses……..
You can make track 1 and track 2 to be loop end (LE) – This means the loop will stop when it finishes playing after you hit the stop pedal. Then hold 2 sec. on the right pedal to move to the track 2 and start it once track 1 ends. But this is a little complicated.
I want to record a guitar loop whilst singing and not record the vocal and then vice-versa.
Is this possible or will it record both guitar and vocal when I hit record.
Hi, I was just wondering how to connect multiple instruments to this looping station?
I have one. I was just considering buying a mixer for that purpose. There is a right and left input as well as an xlr and a stereo 1/8 inch input.
scratch that! somehow I got on the wrong comment thread! I was talking about jamman stereo
Quick Question.
I am new to loop station and go the RC-30 for the first time.
I know this requires lot of time to get the timing straight, but i have hard time understanding how to record correctly to handle intro, chorus, verse and bridge in 2 different tracks.
My goal is to:
1.record/over-dab intro in the beginning
2.play Chorus and/or verse (there are different chords and tabs compare to intro)
3. play bridge, again different chords/tabs
shoudl I start recording with left pedal or right pedal first?
Whats you recommendations?
thanks in advance
In terms of order, starting with the left one is a good idea but it’s really up to you.
In Ariana Grandes ‘house tour’ video on YouTube, she uses a looping station which I believe to be the boss rc 50. In the video, she makes the looping station do harmonies, i was wondering, does this version also have this feature?
I have one question
When I stop a loop and I want to start it again, is it possible to start the loop from the beginning?.
When I’m looping with my GT-10, it is only possible to start it from where I have stopped it.
Thank you very much!
My rc-30 is not allowing me to switch to track 2 when I hold the right pedal down for two seconds. I know I can press the light button, but I’d really like to use the pedal. Any thoughts?
Sounds like there is a stop(short) in the circuit or the pedal isn’t positioned like it should be on the case. Taking it to someone who works on instruments and accessories might be a good idea unless you know how circuits work haha.
Mine too, I only use it at home so it’s not a big deal but I wish It worked.
Same here, very frustrating
Hi! does anyone of you guys been problems with tap tempo in? I mean, when I tried to input using pedal tapping the beat hasn’t the same accuracy, its slower or faster, but not the same. I check it with metronome and more profesional musicians.
hi ! i have a question
this pedal have a tap tempo rigth ?
so , if i press the button after the end of the beat , the machine count the 4 beats anyway ?
i asq this because i work with a ditto x2 looper now , and me and my drummer have a lot of troubles with the tempo of loops (ditto have no tempo ) , press in the perfect time is really hard to do in live performance´s , and that make fails :c
Hi there,
I have a question also – is there any way to undo a phrase, but not ALL the phrases you have recorded? I.e. I want a “drum-type” tap the whole way through my melody so would record that first, then a part of the melody on guitar say, with a loop over that. Is there a way to undo only that most recent and/or second most recent phrases, so that the “tap” remains throughout?
Hi Hugh, to answer your question, the undo function only undoes the last phrase recorded. The only way to clear all the phrases is to stop both tracks and press the delete button. Hopefully I answered your question, if you have more just let me know!
I just purchased the RC30 and I can only create a loop about a minute long before the recording stops and starts playing from the beginning of the loop. My feet are nowhere near the pedals. Any ideas?
Sounds like you should contact Boss bro.
This may be a silly question, but if i record a loop into the pedal and stop it, when i re trigger it will it start from the beginning of the loop instantly or does it work like a pause/play sort of thing. Also will it start instantly when you hit the play button or is it constantly looping in the background and will start when it loops back to the beginning?
Practically speaking if im looping while im playing with a drummer and the loop goes out of time, can i stop it and restart it on the beat to put it back in time.
Hi I was just wondering if when you record a loop then record another on top of that one can you stop one separately and then have that first loop still playing?
Yes, you get two independent loops with the RC-30. You can overdub as much as you want on each loop, but you can’t turn all the overdubs on and off. You can only undo/redo the last overdub on each loop. If you want up to three independent loops, you’ll have to look at something like the RC-300 or the Boomerang III.
My rc30 loopstation keeps turning off. I bought the ac adapter which worked good for the first week. Now when i plug jack in to turn on the loopstation turns on and is functional for 4 secs the turns off. Is there a fix for this or am i doing something wrong?
Does it work with batteries? I bought an after-market AC Adapter for an RC-50 and had a similar issue. I solved it by simply swapping out the AC Adapter. Worth a shot!
yes i tried just batteries. then just ac adapter. turns out my mono out cable was the problem. must have a short in it or something. changed the cable. back to normal now thanks for the help guys. p.s. rc30 is pretty awesome
Is track2 synchronized with track1. Meaning the layers on track2 behave like overdubs of master loop on track1?
Are overdubs the same lenghts as master loop or can they me multiplicated?
If the lenght s the same, what happens if dont stop the overdub in time, lets say you keep recording half the lenghth of the master loop. If the additional recording overdubs, what will “undo” clear, just the overlay or everyting that has been recorded in the overdub session.
And finally: can you undo the last overdub on a track after switching to the other track and back?
I have a song with a structure that would require:
– track1: layer A – master loop (prerecorded beat)
– track1: overdub layerB
– switch track to 2
– track2: overdub layerC
– switch track to 1
– track1: overdub layerD
– switch track to 2
– track2: overdub layerF
– switch track to 1
– track1: undo layerD
– track1: clear track1 (i guess clearing track 1 would stop track 2 also, but manualy fade out the track would volume be ok also)
Is the doable wth RC-30?
I’ve been owning one for an hour, so I can answer my own questions 🙂
– overdubs are always the same lenght as master loop
– recording after master lenght overdubs new layers
– undo clears the whole last overdub session (all layers of one recording)
– you can undo last sessions on each track
I have a question, can I hook other guitar pedals up to the RC 30?
Hi . Is there a way to precisely have two phrases with the same tempo on the drums? I can do it with the tap tempo by listening to the first phrase but is there another way that is more precise? Thanks
I need a pedal to pre-load my backing tracks for live shows. My question is, are you able to scroll from track to track w only the foot switches, or do you have to manually switch to the next track? If not, is there another looper anyone know of that can do that? The jam man stereo? Need to avoid leaning over and pressing buttons. I know the rc300 does, but I’m also trying to avoid spending $600.
Thank you for any help or ideas!
I’ve just bought Rc-30 and it states you can scroll through pre-recorded tracks via additional foot pedals (double Boss pedal FS-6 retails @£49. Thus you don’t have to scroll through using finger on buttons.
Hi folks, after much thinking I finally bought a second hand, 10/10 condition RC30.
I feel a bit dissapointed since I think I can not do the following:
I’m learning and playing some guitar duets (Steve Erquiaga!!); I want to play say guitar 1 in track 1 and finish.
Then, I want to simultaneously start reproducing such track and recording guitar 2 in the other track.
Seems that you can not do this.
You have to do all this foot tapping: start track 1, switch to track 2, and start recording track 2. It may take a couple of bars. Therefore perhaps I need to record such couple of extra bars to allow all the foot dancing.
Any idea to do this in a more clean manner?
I use a zoom G5n mutieffect pedal. Can i connect it to rc-30 and record the loop or play melodies? Thanks
After reading this confusion re RC30 …seems that people with high blood pressure should stay well away!!!
Hi, I wanted to ask a question regarding the RC 30. Can it be used as two mono loopers? My setup is I want to take my guitar, split it into two signals using an A/B. Each signal will have a different treatment. I want to send A into Input L and B into Input R. Am I able to loop input A independently, and then loop input B after I have looped A? Or should I be simply using 2 loopers, i.e. two RC3 pedals instead of one RC30? Thanks for your help.!
Yes, you can certainly use the RC-30 as two mono loopers because it has two tracks. The pedal allows you to record independent loops and will quantize the time signature so that they play together, but you can start and stop the loops independently. With regard to different treatments you want to do, the easiest option would be to turn various pedals on or off when you record each track. You don’t need an A/B splitter for that. In theory guess you could use your A/B splitter and plug the lines into the L/R input channels, then use the mono out to your amp. I’ve never tried that though and I’m not sure if there would be degradation of the sound quality doing it that way. Alternatively, Digitech made a series of cheap looper pedals that were intended to be connected to each other so that different musicians could synch their looper pedals. That might work better for your purposes. Check out the Jamman Express XT.
hi – to stop both tracks at once you press the right pedal twice. is there a way to start both tracks at once or do you have to start each track one at a time?
Hi, I hesitate between RC30 and RC202. I’m playing guitar with GR55/GK3 and some vocals may also be record but not mainly. How is the comparaison of the audio output quality between the two machines? What about the drums sections of each for a rock and pop player?
Like Oscar said above, seems that RC30 cannot play track 1 and in parallel record to track 2. Very bad.Why do we have two tracke on the RC30?
Thanks for an excellent review. I have recorded my guitar onto both track 1 and track 2. Is it possible to overdub my track 2 recording onto track 1? The idea is that having moved the recording to track 1, I can then clear down track 2 for further recording.
Unfortunately, no, it’s not possible to move your recording from track 2 to an overdub position on track 1. On the RC-30, you get two tracks which you can overdub as much as you like to build your loop. You can “undo” your last overdub on each track. So, one option might be to record your background loop on track 1, then record an overdub on track 1 which you can “undo” when you want to turn it off, which will leave track 2 open for additional loops and overdubs. If you need another independently controlled loop (not just overdubs), then you’ll have to look for a 3 track looper like the RC-300. Cheers
I was hoping you could help me with something. I have a Boss RC-30 looper. I like it, but it takes up too much space on my pedalboard, so I’m looking to downsize.
There is one thing I like about the RC-30 and I’d like to know if there is another smaller looper with the same function.
While you are working with one loop project, you can switch project, so that when the first project gets to the end, it automatically moves to the next project you have switched it to. Therefore you can work with two separate projects during the same song, without there being any time gap.
Do you happen to know if the RC-3 or Ditto + have this function?
Thank you in advance!